National Science Popularization Day ushered in Nanjing
2022-09-16 15:29:00

Nanjing became home to the main venue in Jiangsu to celebrate the National Science Popularization Day, with a series of programs unveiled at the opening ceremony held on September 15.

Various online and onsite activities will be held across the province from September 15 to 21, focusing on rural vitalization, carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality, and other endeavors. Activities will he held in rural areas, residential communities, enterprises and schools to expand the outreach.

In an activity to be held this weekend, students from Nanjing will visit enterprises to learn about renewable energy.

(Photo provided to Xinhua Daily)

An exhibition on carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality will run until October 10 and help the public understand challenges posed by climate change. It also aims to enhance people’s awareness of environmental protection, and embrace a low-carbon lifestyle.

Another exhibition shows 105 calligraphy works, 60 paintings, and 123 photography works all featuring science and technology endeavors.

Besides, Nanjing will inaugurate a themed subway train in honor of scientists, and Taizhou will recommend six travel routes that incorporate topics of science and technology. Suzhou will celebrate the 40th anniversary of its Youth Astronomy Observatory and will also host an exhibition. In Zhenjiang, there will be a Digital Agriculture Forum along with the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

The Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology has also opened an online exhibition to highlight the activities held in the province. Editor:Dylan