Jiangsu museums highlight traditional culture in student holiday programs
2023-07-13 20:19:00

Jiangsu's museums have launched various programs that combine tours and educational activities specially designed for students during the summer school holiday. These programs have become so popular that tickets often sold out within three hours.

These programs include guided tours to the Yangtze River, Grand Canal, and cultural landmarks related to the province's history. For example, the Nanjing Museum organized an archaeological camp tailored for secondary school students. Accompanied by senior archaeologists and front-line members, participants visited cultural heritage sites and archaeological venues along the Yangtze River, gaining a deeper understanding of the civilization along the lower reaches of the great river.

Wuxi Museum's program highlighted the Grand Canal, allowing children to have a boat tour along the waterway, watch traditional pingtan performance that combines storytelling and singing, and explore the cultural heritage on both sides of the canal.

Cultural relics are also featured in many of these programs. Nanjing Museum's student camp included a visit to a laboratory dedicated to the preservation of cultural relics as well as an opportunity to learn from master of repairing ancient books.

Yancheng Museum engaged children in the process of restoring pottery ware. These activities have helped children better appreciate the value of cultural relics.

(Photo provided to Xinhua Daily)

Taizhou Museum held an exhibition of fine crafts to raise public awareness of exquisite craftsmanship. Visitors had the chance to make flower hairpins, animal head applique, which is an important part of Chinese traditional door decoration, and cloisonné crafts.

A visit to Xuzhou Museum will find a program on Chinese watercolor woodblock printing, which introduces the craft's history, demonstrates the printing process and mounting techniques, and encourages children and parents to create their own artwork together.

In Nanjing, Zhan Garden allowed children to immerse themselves in its 600-year-old history, understand the Chinese characters inscribed on the stones, and learn about the gardening techniques.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan