Jiangsu to host first international expo on green and low-carbon buildings
2023-07-11 11:25:00

(CFP Photo)

The Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in Jiangsu Province and the Jiangsu sub-council of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT Jiangsu) will jointly host the province's first international expo on green and low-carbon buildings, according to the department's conference held on July 10.

The expo aims to deepen international exchanges and cooperation in sustainable construction in urban and rural areas, accelerate digital, green and high-end transformation efforts, showcase the latest results, facilitate trade, and promote networking.

The expo is scheduled to open in Nanjing on October 10 and 11, with preparatory works still underway.

Lu Hongwei, chief engineer of the department, said the expo will focus on the latest technological achievements in the fields of green and low-carbon buildings, intelligent construction, building industrialization, urban renewal and the beautiful countryside initiative.

The event will release market demand for technology, talent and products in the endeavor, and invite leading enterprises in the construction, real estate, production and manufacturing and IoT industries to participate in the exhibition. In addition, members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) as well as top designers will make academic reports and hold exchanges on the new concepts, technologies and paths of green development.

Furthermore, the expo will feature technological exchange sessions focusing on major concerns of the public, such as smart homes, interior assembled decoration, and elderly-friendly home renovation. The 16th Jiangsu Green Building Development Conference will also be held during the expo.

By the end of 2022, green building had accounted for more than 99% of new buildings in Jiangsu, with the cumulative green building area reaching 1.17 billion square meters. Jiangsu also boasts 880 million square meters of building that applied renewable energy, the largest scale in China.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan