Wuxi celebrates National Ecology Day with new environmental initiatives
2024-08-15 15:09:00

(Photo provided to Xinhua Daily)

Wuxi City held an event on August 14 to celebrate the 2nd National Ecology Day.

The event unveiled a number of new agreements with research institutions and companies, all aimed at enhancing environmental protection, reducing carbon emissions, and promoting energy efficiency.

Wuxi launched a campaign to enhance the traceability, management, recycling and disposal of used vehicle batteries across their lifecycle through better information-sharing and digital applications.

Industry experts discussed ozone pollution control, carbon market development, and water environment management at the event.

In recent years, Wuxi has made significant progress on the path of low-carbon transformation of economic and social development. The city achieved an average PM2.5 concentration of 28 micrograms per cubic meter in 2023, with 82.5% of the days having good air quality.

Additionally, the algae outbreaks in the Wuxi area of Taihu Lake reached their best level in 16 years, and the amount of energy consumed per unit of GDP was 0.26 tonnes of standard coal, also the best in Jiangsu province.

To raise public awareness and encourage action to protect the ecological environment, China's national legislature designated August 15 as National Ecology Day in 2023.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan