Jiangsu to host 1,400 cinemas in five-year plan
2021-09-14 17:29:00

Jiangsu aims to host up to 1,400 cinemas in the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), according to the province’s plan for the sector.  

The province will build a thriving and robust film industry by 2025 and be able to offer sophisticated public services. Jiangsu plans to produce 30 quality films, have 1,400 cinemas and 9,000 screens in the period, and remains a frontrunner in the country’s box office. 

The province will also increase the application of technology and adopt innovative practices to boost the film industry, with priorities given to 5G, Big Data and artificial intelligence. 

By 2025, Jiangsu will be home to about 100 special effects companies and 30 tech studios. The province will also actively implement the country’s policy to support sci-fi movies and improve the level of special effects in movies. 

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Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Cassie