Jiangsu’s job growth back to pre-pandemic level
2021-04-19 13:43:00

Jiangsu created 341,500 new jobs in the first quarter of the year, up 17.14% year on year, and the registered urban jobless rate declined to 2.93%, according to the province’s Department of Human Resources and Social Security .

During the period, the coastal province supported 60,700 entrepreneurs to successfully launch various projects that employed 237,000 people, up 61.33% and 60.63% year-on-year respectively.

In response to the pandemic and the Sino-US trade friction, Jiangsu has stepped up efforts to stabilize employment, such as encouraging migrant workers not to go back home during the Spring Festival holiday. This has helped cut the usual cost of recruitment after the Chinese New Year  and  supported the growth momentum.

Among 5,500 key companies in Jiangsu, about 95.99% were able to resume operation in one month after the Spring Festival holiday, and 98.22% of employees returned to work place, 6.5 and 15 percentage points higher than during the same period in 2019.

By the end of March, these 5,550 enterprises had employed a total of 2.855 million people, basically the same level as in 2020, but 24,600 more people than in February, also the first increase so far this year.

The steady and rapid economic growth in Jiangsu has constantly created new jobs. Data from the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Statistics showed that industrial enterprises above designated size saw the expansion of value added by 48.2% year on year, and up 22.9% than in 2019.

Jiangsu also had a vibrant job market thanks to proactive public services. Public employment service agencies at all levels in the province provided information of over 1.53 million jobs, an increase of 12.21% year-on-year.

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Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Cassie