Wuxi DACH Interchamber Networking Dinner boosts cooperation
2020-09-21 15:29:00

The Wuxi DACH Interchamber Networking Dinner 2020, held on the evening of September 17, brought together the DACH business community with representatives of local companies, associations and partners.

The event, organized by the German Chamber of Commerce in China (Shanghai), CCPIT Wuxi and the Wuxi International Chamber of Commerce, promoted exchange, networking and discussions for cooperation, such as in cross-border e-commerce.

The acronym DACH represents Germany (D), Austria (A) and Switzerland (CH) and indicates that this Interchamber Networking Dinner brings together mainly the German-speaking business community in Wuxi.

In her welcome speech, Dr. Christine Althauser, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany, expressed thanks to Wuxi government and the community for their support to German companies.

Gong Zhijie, vice president of CCPIT Wuxi, said the city has always been open-minded and cooperative in improving its business environment and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of foreign companies in Wuxi. Gong hoped German-speaking countries could give full play to their advantages in smart manufacturing, making of precise instrument, chemical and pharmaceutical sectors and provide assistance and guide to China’s domestic companies.

During the event, companies including Bollhoff (Wuxi) Fastenings and LANXESS (Wuxi) High Performance Composite Materials showcased their products and services, expressing the hope to strengthen cooperation with local companies.

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Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Amanda