Nanjing to bring back some old placenames, and memories as well
2022-10-18 13:44:00

Xiaoxihu neighborhood in Nanjing (Photo/Wu Jun)

Xiaoxihu (Little West Lake) neighborhood in the south of Nanjing's old city area has recently become center of attention with the undergoing of a new program that would resume the lake part in the place.

Local resident Ye Aihua, 80, said the neighborhood once had a lake, smaller though, as beautiful as the West Lake in Hangzhou City, so it got its name Little West Lake. However, the lake area disappeared amid the urbanization.

Fortunately, a renovation project will bring back the waterbody to the neighborhood, also a historical and cultural block.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs recently announced 70 counties (cities and districts), including Jiangning District of Nanjing City, Liyang City, Wuzhong District of Suzhou City and Huai’an District of Huai’an City, were listed in a nationwide pilot program about placename reintroduction.

Placename expert Xue Guang said Nanjing once had more than 20,000 places with old names, among which 2,000 places are of high historical and cultural values. The restoration of old placenames should involve efforts related to both the physical space and the name itself.

These places are usually closely linked with local residents’ everyday life. Zhu Ming'e, researcher at the Nanjing City Wall Protection Management Centre, said some of the old city gates in Nanjing were demolished around 1927 and the construction materials were then used by residents to build houses. Today, some buildings near the Cangbo Gate ruins are found to have bricks or stones dated back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).

Zhu said the restoration of old placenames will help people remember the history and enhance the connection to the place.

Jiangsu is home to 13 cities recognized as famous historical and cultural cities, the highest number among province-level regions. For example, because of the well-connected waterways in Suzhou, there are 153 streets and lanes whose names include the Chinese character Qiao, meaning bridge. These placenames naturally highlight the charm of the water town.

Zhang Feng, director of the Famous City Protection Institute of Nanjing Municipal Planning and Design Institute, said the disappearance and reintroduction of old placenames reflects the changes of urban development ideas.

Liu Zhichao, chief designer of the Urban Renewal Planning and Design Institute of Jiangsu Planning and Design Group, also said renewal means not only regenerating a site but also bringing to life the culture and history along with enhanced ecological environment. Editor:Dylan