Archery course popular at Southeast University
2022-10-14 13:18:00

The sports course of archery at Southeast University has become the most popular program for students.

It took just one second for the elective course to recruit more than 130 students after the university's courses system opened for application.

(Photo/Liu Li)

Wang Haiyue, a student of the university's School of Biological Sciences and Medical Engineering, felt very lucky to have the chance to study archery.

Li Xiaozhi, sports teacher of the university, said archery was one of the Six Arts for an all-around development in ancient times. This course helps train students to be calm and stay focused and also help them to better understand traditional sports culture.

In addition to archery, the university also offers other physical education courses including dragon and lion dance, and the swimming course is also taught by gold medalist at the Asian Games.

"Our aim is to improve students' physical fitness while expanding their interests," said Li. Editor:Dylan