China-Singapore Youth Development Forum opens in Suzhou
2023-07-11 11:31:00

(Photo credit: the Yangtse Evening Post)

The China-Singapore Youth Development Forum was held in Suzhou City on July 10, attracting more than 100 young participants from the two countries.

The forum was co-hosted by the All-China Youth Federation and the National Youth Council Singapore and jointly organized by the Jiangsu Youth Federation and the Suzhou Municipal People's Government. It aimed to enhance the innovation and exchange mechanism among young people from both nations, as well as implement exemplary projects.

The forum witnessed the signing of agreement for entrepreneurial projects. Experts and scholars made keynote speeches focusing digital technology innovation and youth empowerment. Additionally, some representatives from the youth community shared their own stories of starting businesses.

(Photo/Zhou Chengyu)

The China-Singapore Youth Leaders Exchange Camp, held along with the forum, included visits to the BioBAY of the Suzhou Industrial Park and the Community Youth Center. Participants had the opportunity to exchange working experience with local youth organizations, learn about the policies and measures to support innovation and entrepreneurship among young people, and explore the S&T achievements by enterprises in the park. Members of the camp will also visit Pingjiang Cultural Center and classical gardens of Suzhou. Editor:Dylan