Jiangsu to send new medical team to three countries
2021-09-17 16:59:00

After more than four months of training, Jiangsu Province’s 31st medical team to Tanzania's Zanzibar and 17th teams for Guyana and Malta are now ready to depart for these countries.  

In presenting the flag on the afternoon of September 16, Cheng Xingying, vice governor of Jiangsu, said sending medical teams abroad is a long-term strategic decision for China and a humanitarian mission. Members of the team should serve the people of the destination countries wholeheartedly. 

Jiangsu was one of the first provinces to undertake the task of sending medical teams abroad, with the first team dispatched to Zanzibar in August 1964, and then to Guyana and Malta respectively since 1993. The province has so far sent 1,107 people in 67 medical teams. 


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Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Cassie