Nanjing ranked second best service outsourcing city
2022-12-12 15:42:00

(CFP Photo)

Nanjing ranked second nationwide with a score of 74.32 points in 2021 just after Shanghai among service outsourcing demonstration cities, according to an evaluation by the Ministry of Commerce.

The capital city of Jiangsu has made the development of digital trade a key priority and actively promoted digital transformation and upgrade of the businesses. From January to September, the city's digital trade totaled 56.9 billion yuan, an increase of 18.87% year-on-year. Among them, the trade in digitally-deliverable services amounted to 31.2 billion yuan, accounting for 20.5% of the province's total and a year-on-year growth of 20.12%.

In September,, developed by Nanjing-based Focus Technology Co Ltd, launched the international express service. As one of China's largest foreign trade export cross-border e-commerce platform, it builds connection with more than 220 countries and regions and works closely with UPS, FedEx, DHL and other top shipping companies to provide door-to-door pick-up service. Traders can easily find the delivery service providers, compare the shipping costs before placing the order online, and also track the transportation process in real time. More than 6 million e-commerce enterprises have used the platform's international logistics services.

The thriving cross-border e-commerce has become a competitive advantage of Nanjing's foreign trade. The city's cross-border e-commerce imports and exports climbed 52.58% year on year in 2021, and reached 25 billion yuan in the first nine months this year, a year-on-year growth of nearly 20%.

Whale Cloud, a company based in China (Nanjing) Software Valley, has worked with Telkom Sigma, a top information and telecommunications providers in Indonesia, to provide cloud solutions and digital transformation services for the country's 200 SMEs. Leveraging its technological strengths, Whale Cloud has provided digital transformation services for nearly 150 mainstream telecom operators worldwide, and the deals for service outsourcing signed this year totaled about 2.4 billion yuan.

China (Nanjing) Software Valley is the first batch of national digital services export bases and the only one of its kind in Jiangsu. It's home to more than 220 companies specialized in software, communications, cloud computing and other types of digital services, with the exports worth 7 billion yuan achieved in 2021. In June, the software valley and the Jiangbei New Area Industrial Technology Research and Innovation Park were recognized as the first batch of digital trade development demonstration bases in Nanjing.

Nanjing has essentially built a full-fledged digital trade ecosystem that integrates policy support, industry cluster, start-up incubation and industry exchanges. Nanjing has five state-level service outsourcing demonstration zones with more than 1,900 enterprises, accounting for 70% of the total number of such enterprises in the city. Among them, 37 enterprises have exceeded the threshold of more than $100 million in terms of executed value.

Nanjing has five state-level service export bases, the largest number among cities in Jiangsu, covering the fields of digital services, intellectual property services, Chinese medicine services and language services. Editor:Dylan