National memorial ceremony for Nanjing Massacre victims to be held on Dec 13
2022-12-07 14:01:00

(CFP Photo)

The national memorial ceremony for the victims of the Nanjing Massacre will be held at the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders in Nanjing on December 13, according to a notice of the city's government on December 7.

The ceremony will pay tribute to victims of the massacre, all compatriots who were killed by the Japanese invaders, and martyrs and heroes who gave their lives for China's resistance war against Japanese aggression. It reaffirms the message of cherishing and upholding peace while reminding people of the painful lessons in history.

Sirens will blare for one minute from 10:01 am. Drivers in the downtown area (excluding motorways, ring roads, elevated roads and tunnels) should stop their cars and honk, except special vehicles on emergency duty. Trains and ships will also honk. Pedestrians and people in public places should pause for a minute of silence in remembrance of the victims. Editor:Dylan