Overseas Chinese pray for peace to mark 85th anniversary of Nanjing Massacre
2022-12-08 13:22:00

(CFP Photo)

A prayer for peace was held in Nanjing on December 7 as part of activities to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre and spread the truth of history.

The meeting showed the documentary film "Remembering History and Loving Peace," which highlighted the efforts by oversea Chinese since 1980s to tell the truth of the massacre and also advocate peace and justice across the world. Representatives of overseas Chinese, young people and those working in news media shared their experiences and ideas during a webinar.

Thirty-eight Homes of Oversea Chinese based in 35 countries jointly announced a declaration to pray for peace. Representatives of overseas Chinese from the United States, Germany, Tanzania, the Philippines, Australia, and other countries and regions joined online to express their support for peace.

The peace message has been shared for more than 100,000 times online by people in more than 100 countries since December 3. This online program will continue until the national memorial ceremony for Nanjing Massacre victims on December 13.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan