Jiangsu's 4 cities build special 5G network for drones
2022-12-09 15:23:00

(CFP Photo)

Jiangsu's four cities have built a low-altitude 5G network to support better use of drones, according to the first forum on industrial digitalization hosted by China Telecom's Nanjing branch on December 8.

The network within 300 meters above downtown areas in Nanjing, Suqian, Wuxi and Changzhou will improve data transmission capacity and advance the economic development based on low-altitude airspace.

Nanjing has deployed 16 5G base stations to support this special network with better performance in interference reduction. Multiple rounds of tests have shown that the network can provide an uplink speed of more than 100Mbps and downlink speed of over 300Mbps, with a maximum latency at 25ms.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan