13 inheritors pass on Nanjing Massacre memory
2022-12-13 12:13:00

(CFP Photo)

In August, 13 descendants of Nanjing Massacre survivors were recognized as China's inheritors of historical memories regarding Nanjing Massacre.

The descendants attended the ceremony of China's ninth state commemoration for Nanjing Massacre victims on December 13.

The descendants, including children and grandchildren of Nanjing Massacre survivors, are from 10 families, and they are Ge Fengliang, Huang Xinghua, Huang Rui, Xia Yuan, Li Yuhan, Li Zhenming, Chang Xiaomei, Liu Liu, Ma Wenqian, Xu Hong, Xia Tianxing, Wang Lian and Ruan Hongyan.

Xia Yuan and her son Li Yuhan are from the family of survivor Xia Shuqin. Xia Yuan said, "I grew up listening to the stories told by my grandmother, who is getting older and has hearing and vision difficulties. She supports me to testify on behalf of her, so more people can know the crimes committed by the Japanese troops invading China."

Li Yuhan, 12 years old, is the youngest among them, but he has served as a guide in the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders for several years.

"He may be young, but he loves his great-grandmother and understands the responsibility of passing on the historical memories," the mother said.

Xu Hong and her husband Xia Tianxing are from the family of survivor Wang Suming.

Ahead of the state commemoration, Xia began to read Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II written by Iris Chang.

"I hope I can tell the historical truth in English, to let foreigners or overseas Chinese get a better understanding of it," Xia said.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan