31 printmakers create works in honor of 61 Nanjing Massacre survivors
2022-12-13 11:55:00

China's 31 printmakers have cooperated to make prints in honor of 61 survivors of the Nanjing Massacre, which took place when Japanese troops captured the then-Chinese capital on December 13, 1937.

The printmaking project started early this year to help pass on the historical truth and completed in late October. The number of registered survivors decreased to 54 by December 5.

Following are some of the works.

Wang Yilong (by Shi Yi)

Wang Changfa (by Yu Chengyou)

Guan Shunhua (by Zhang Minjie)

Liu Suzhen (by Yuan Qinglu)

Xiong Shulan (by Yao Haogang)

Xie Guiying (by Lei Wuwu)

And you can also scan the QR code below to get a full picture of the survivors.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan