Jiangsu releases first planning for medical insurance program
2021-09-17 17:11:00

East China’s Jiangsu Province has released its first dedicated planning for medical insurance system during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025) amid efforts to build a strong social security system. 

Officials from the province’s Healthcare Security Administration, Financial Department, Health Commission and Medical Products Administration explained the planning during a press conference on September 16. 

By the end of 2020, the basic medical insurance scheme covered 79.67 million people in the coastal province, with a stable coverage rate of 98%. By 2025, the coverage rate of basic medical insurance and maternity insurance in Jiangsu will be both at over 99%. 

The province will gradually expand the medical insurance coverage in line with employment, urbanization and other factors. Individual businesses of industry or commerce and farmers will be encouraged to participate the basic medical insurance program. Further efforts shall be made to implement policies on insurance coverage of individuals with residence permits. 

Jiangsu will also improve service to engage flexible workers in the medical insurance program, and align the benefits provided to the insured across the regions.  


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Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Cassie