Jiangsu announces measures for museum development
2024-09-10 15:12:00

Exhibits at Nanjing Museum (CFP)

Jiangsu will implement various measures to stimulate the development of its museums, according to a press conference held by the Information Office of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government on September 9.

The measures will be centered around enhancing services for the visitors, improving incentive mechanisms and strengthening support for the museums, according to Shi Feng, deputy director of the provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.

Jiangsu will highlight its regional cultural characteristics and the spirit of Chinese culture in exploring new consumption scenarios. It will promote the digital transformation of cultural heritage and upgrade the Jiangsu Digital Museum. The province also plans to organize integrated cultural-tourism activities catering to youths across the province and nationwide.

The provincial finance department will increase support for quality exhibitions, improve budget arrangements, and provide higher quality services.

As one of the most influential museums in Jiangsu and nationally, Nanjing Museum will optimize its booking system, extend opening hours, and introduce night tours.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan