Jiangsu researchers contribute to China's Tiangong space station
2022-11-01 11:51:00

Research institutes and universities in Jiangsu have played an active role in the development of China's Tiangong space station.

On October 31, a Long March 5B rocket blasted off from Wenchang Satellite Launch Center with the Mengtian lab module on board, the third and final module to complete the space station.

Scientific equipment in the Mengtian module will be used for studying microgravity and carrying out experiments in fluid physics, materials science, combustion science and fundamental physics. The equipment includes a variety of chips, components and devices supported by researchers in the coastal province.

(CFP Photo)

A laboratory team from Suzhou has contributed to the completion of reliability test of the propulsion mechanism and power supply system of the Long March 5B launch vehicles. The team simulated the mechanical environment to verify whether the rocket with a speed up to 7.9 kilometers per second can maintain normal operation under vibration environments.

A team from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) conducted research on the guidance, control and protection of spacecraft and solved problems of optimal energy utilization. The team also achieved a breakthrough in robotic control to support astronauts training.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan