Wuxi launches Chinese-French industrial park
2023-07-19 20:36:00

The Chinese-French (Wuxi) Industrial Cooperation Park was launched on July 18 along with the signing of five major projects involving a total investment of over $1 billion.

The park will serve as an important platform for Wuxi to connect with first-class enterprises, projects and talents from France, expanding the city's international cooperation.

Located in Wuxi High-Tech Industrial Development Zone, the park is invested, managed,and operated by Aden Group. The park's core area involves a planned investment of $500 million in two phases. In the first phase, an intelligent manufacturing hub is expected to become operational by the end of 2024. The second phase includes the building of a Sino-French innovation center and office buildings, which will be completed by June 2025.

The park is dedicated to becoming the preferred destination for French enterprises exploring the Chinese market. It will also support the transformation and upgrading of French enterprises in China. The park will concentrate on high-end manufacturing, industrial equipment automation, automotive parts, biomedical devices and other fields.

Upon completion, the project plans to attract European enterprise investment of over $1 billion, host at least three Fortune 500 companies from Europe, and generate an average tax revenue of more than 1.5 million yuan per mu of land area.

The industrial park in Wuxi, an important investment destination for French enterprises, aims to realize the two goals of digitalization and low-carbon operation. To promote sustainable development and digitalization solutions, the park will establish extensive partnerships with French companies in the fields of industrial facilities management, building energy, environmental engineering, and renewable energy sectors.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Florence