Nanjing's cherry blossoms to peak around March 15--Do not miss it!
2023-03-14 10:42:00

The Nanjing Institute of Landscaping and Forestry Science and the Nanjing Meteorological Service Center have collaborated to provide a special weather forecast to help the public enjoy cherry blossoms in the city.

A team led by Zhu Kai, senior engineer at the institute, cooperated with the center to build the forecast model and predict the optimal time through Big Data analysis.

“Cherry blossoms in the city will reach their peak season around March 15, and the best viewing period will last about 15-20 days,” Zhu said.

The best places to appreciate the beautiful flowers in Nanjing include Jiming Temple, Xuanwu Lake, Wumadu Square and the imperial Xiaoling Mausoleum.

(CFP Photo)

Zhu explained that cherry blossoms are sensitive to temperatures and humidity, so the flowering and blooming periods are not fixed every year, with blooms appearing from early to late March.

"Cherry blossoms come early in urban area than in rural regions, and trees on south-facing slopes bloom slightly earlier than those in low-lying areas," he added. Editor:Dylan