Wuxi, Ulsan celebrate 10th anniversary of sister-city relationship
2023-05-12 13:40:00

The delegation from Wuxi City visited Ulsan, South Korea on May 9 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of their sister-city relationship.

In marking the milestone, Wuxi Mayor Zhao Jianjun said both cities become prosperous due to their water resources and commerce. Over the past ten years, closer exchanges between business communities and young people from the two sides have resulted in fruitful achievements.

Zhao said Wuxi will work with Ulsan to promote coordinated industrial growth and build more resilient supply chain and industrial chain based on the development of industries in both cities, such as auto parts, artificial intelligence, new energy, and machinery.

Efforts should also be made to advance joint ecological governance and learn from each other in shoreline improvement, sewage treatment, and biodiversity conservation, according to the mayor.

The two cities should actively explore technical cooperation in areas that Ulsan enjoys an advantage, such as environmental protection and petrochemicals. Cooperation in education, sports, and healthcare should also be developed to reach new heights, Zhao said in his speech.

(Photo from Wuxi Foreign Affairs Office)

At the event, Wuxi presented a pair of Da Afu, the famous clay sculpture of the city, to Ulsan as a gift, and expressed its best wishes to the people of Ulsan.

Since becoming sister cities in 2013, Wuxi and Ulsan have sent delegations to each other for many times to hold exchanges in the fields of environmental governance, healthcare, and urban management. They have also made efforts to promote business talks and cooperation in industries such as machinery, shipbuilding, auto parts, and new energy.

In addition, the two cities have also organized exchange activities for young people to improve friendship, such as soccer, badminton, baseball, and cultural events.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan