Jiangsu's 7 tourist attractions recognized in ministry's Yangtze River routes
2023-05-06 14:43:00

Jiangdu Key Water Conservancy Project (CFP Photo)

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism recently recommended 10 national-level routes to enjoy the best of Yangtze River tourism. Two of the recommended routes include seven scenic spots in Jiangsu Province, among which three are located in the province's Yangzhou City.

Xinghua Duotian Agrosystem (CFP Photo)

Yuantouzhu Scenic Area (CFP Photo)

The seven attractions are: Jiangdu Key Water Conservancy Project, Xinghua Duotian Agrosystem, Li Canal-Gaoyou Irrigation Area, Wuzhong Taihu Lake Tourist Area, Nanjing Confucius Temple - Qinhua River Scenic Belt, Slender West Lake, and Wuxi's Yuantouzhu Scenic Area.

The Yangtze River international tourism belt recognized by the ministry includes tourist attractions in 9 provinces - Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou and two municipalities, Shanghai and Chongqing. The ten routes feature various themes such as the history of Chinese civilization, well-known heritage, natural landscapes and rural vitalization.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan