Wuxi continues to have highest per capita GDP in China
2023-04-14 14:53:00

With per capita GDP of 198,400 yuan in 2022, Wuxi maintained the top spot in China's large and medium-sized cities for third consecutive year.

Data showed Wuxi achieved an annual regional GDP of 1.485 trillion yuan, up 3.0% from the previous year, and the city's private sector registered an added value of 983 billion yuan, up 3.3% year on year.

Industrial economy continued to play a central and increasing role in the city's development, with the added value exceeding 500 billion yuan for the first time. Wuxi's foreign trade hit 737.3 billion yuan, an 8% year-on-year increase, and the actual use of foreign investment went up 3.6% year-on-year to about $3.82 billion in total.

Wuxi continued to promote scientific and technological progress on key areas such as integrated circuits and the Internet of Things. The city's output value of high-tech industries doubled to 1.197 trillion yuan compared to the previous year.

(CFP Photo)

The city also took measures to improve people's income and ensure equal access to public services while increasing input in securing people's livelihoods. In 2022, the city's per capita disposable income stood at 65,823 yuan, an increase of 4.5% from the previous year.

The income gap between urban and rural residents was further narrowed to 1.75:1 in 2022 from 1.78:1 in 2021.

Wuxi boasted a vibrant consumer market as the annual total retail sales of consumer goods reached 333.76 billion yuan, up 1.0% year-on-year, which is higher than the national average.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan