Wuxi launches pilot driverless minibus service
2023-02-28 16:01:00

Wuxi Economic Development Zone launched a pilot driverless minibus service with 50 vehicles for six routes on February 24.

Passengers can use mini-program to learn about the service, which costs 3 yuan for a single journey and will be free during the trial operation.

(Photos from Wuxi Daily)

The minibus has no driver's seat, steering wheel, or brake. Safety officer on the vehicle will remind passengers to buckle up their seat belts, and double-check before the door closes and the bus starts.

The pure electric minibus, equipped with LIDAR and multiple cameras, has a capacity of nine passengers, with a maximum speed of 40 kilometers per hour. It takes approximately 20 minutes to complete the 7 km journey from Yongchang Road Station to the city's Intelligent Connected Vehicles Industrial Park.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan