Jiangsu shines in Hong Kong International Licensing Show
2023-04-25 15:47:00


Jiangsu Province made a big impact at the Chinese Mainland Pavilion during the Hong Kong International Licensing Show, which closed on April 22.

As a part of the Chinese Culture and Tourism IP Licensing 2023 series, guided by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the pavilion showcased mainland’s projects and brands with international influences.

Jiangsu organized nine organizations, including Nanjing Museum and the China Grand Canal Museum in Yangzhou, to participate in the exhibition with nearly 300 items in 50 series as well as licensed posters featuring the province’s water charm. These exhibits highlighted Jiangsu's cultural heritage and creative products, which are ready to explore the international markets through licensing.

Jiangsu’s exhibition zone attracted about 10,000 visitors in three days, including more than 200 exhibitors and buyers from Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries and regions. Business negotiations led to the signing of 85 letters of intent for cooperation and three draft contracts with a total value of nearly one million yuan.

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Source:english.jschina.com.cn Editor:Florence