Exchange meeting with overseas organizations and multinational companies held in Wuxi
2022-11-17 18:14:00

The Jiangsu Sub-council of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and Jiangsu Chamber of International Commerce

(CCPIT/COIC Jiangsu) held the annual exchange meeting with overseas organizations and multinational companies in Wuxi City on November 16.

Nearly 130 Chinese and foreign guests participated in the 2022 edition, which has been held for nine times since 2011 as cooperation expands in more areas.

Lyu Jian, regional director of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) for Eastern and Central China, said Hong Kong looks forward to more cooperation with Jiangsu in scientific and technological innovation. He also called for more Jiangsu enterprises to participate in the Hong Kong Science Fair, to be held on April 12-15. He said this will not only showcase the province’s strengths in research and industrial development and also attract international R&D teams to settle in Jiangsu. 

Kenji Mizuta, president of JETRO's Shanghai representative office, said Jiangsu is home to more than 8,000 Japanese companies and this testifies the province’s quality living environment and business environment. 

To better adapt to economic globalization, he also called for relaxing the foreign investment rules in manufacturing and service sectors, adopting international standards, and taking other measures to streamline administrative procedures, reduce the approvals and certifications, and enable companies to have sufficient time to respond to new changes. 

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