New CICP Innovation Boot Camp opens in Changzhou
2022-12-14 13:25:00

(CFP Photo)

The China-Israel Changzhou Innovation Park (CICP), the first experimental zone for innovation cooperation established by the two governments, launched the second CICP Innovation Boot Camp on December 3 for some 70 participants.

As an international science and innovation platform, CICP opened first such camp to support the training of young talents in May. In the 2-month program, 31 people from Wujin District joined the training, and five of them went to work in Israel in August. They have helped the park’s efforts for international exchange and cooperation, science and technology project promotion, and innovation resources gathering.

The second camp with an optimized curriculum will last for three months. Participants will visit enterprises, attend workshops to share experiences, receive training of language and etiquette, and complete courses associated with construction, management and operation of high-tech parks. The program will also invite experts and scholars to give lectures on topics such as new energy, digital economy, 5G, Artificial Intelligence, and life science. Editor:Dylan