Jiangsu delegates power to pilot FTZ and development zones
2021-09-18 16:34:00

The provincial government in Jiangsu has delegated approval power for another 30 items to the Jiangsu pilot free trade zone (JSFTZ), which consists of three areas totaling 119.97 sq km - the Nanjing Area, the Suzhou Area and the Lianyungang Area. 

For the first time, it also delegated provincial approval power for 14 items to 54 development zones that are designated as collaborative innovators linked to the JSFTZ. 

The provincial government has continued efforts to streamline administrative approvals, delegate power to lower levels and improve regulations and services to optimize the business environment. In last June, it transferred the approval power for 273 items to the JSFTZ, a move that was found to improve the approval efficiency.  

For example, after the power to approve the breeding and use of experimental animals was handed over to the Suzhou Area, local authorities take 10 workdays and six documents to complete the permission, while in the past the process at the provincial level could last for 20 workdays and need 18 documents.  

The 30 items include market access control, qualification review, and construction permission in the fields of science and technology, education, human resources, medical care, culture and tourism.  

The 44 items involved in this new round of power delegation were originally under the administration of 19 provincial governmental departments, such as the Development and Reform Commission, the Education Department and the Industry and Information Technology Department. 

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Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Cassie