Jiangsu plans dedicated regulation for groundwater management
2024-07-31 13:22:00


The Standing Committee of the 14th Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress convened its 10th session on July 29 to hear a report on the drafting of the groundwater management regulation.

Groundwater, a crucial support for economic and social development, has accounted for an average of 37% of the province’s water resources over the years. Currently, the limited utilization of groundwater is primarily for industries with special requirements, such as pharmaceuticals, food and brewing, as well as for drinking water and emergency supplies in case of drought.

The province will conduct total volume and water table control, and establish a comprehensive water rights trading system. Among the protection initiatives, provincial authorities are also required to maintain a registry of emergency drinking water wells.

To combat groundwater pollution, the draft regulation mandates the designation of key areas for pollution prevention. Groundwater pollution surveys and assessments will be regularly conducted at chemical factories, hazardous waste disposal sites, landfill sites and mining areas.

Jiangsu also plans to establish a unified network of monitoring stations, an information-sharing mechanism, and a reporting system for anomalies in groundwater volumes, water tables and water quality.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan