World Wildlife Day: Jiangsu unveils database for wild animal artificial breeding
2023-03-03 11:55:00

On March 3 this year, the tenth "World Wildlife Day" is being celebrated with the theme "Partnerships for wildlife conservation." 2023 also marks the 50th anniversary of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

On the afternoon of March 2, the Jiangsu Provincial Forestry Bureau, Jinling Customs, the Institute of Botany of Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences co-hosted a program to celebrate World Wildlife Day at the Nanjing Botanical Garden.

In recent years, Jiangsu has introduced related laws and regulations to protect wild animals and wetlands. Nearly 300 infrared cameras have been installed in the hilly areas of the province to monitor wildlife resources, and long-term monitoring of wildlife resources has been carried out in 48 important wetland areas.

Additionally, the province has established 31 nature reserves, 76 wetland parks, 68 forest parks, and 48 wildlife distribution areas amid efforts to create a good environment for varied forms of wild fauna and flora.

(Photo/Shao Dan)

The ceremony saw the launch of a database on artificial breeding of wild animals in Jiangsu. Jinling Customs handed over 106 confiscated items made using rare and endangered wildlife to the forestry bureau.

The program also includes exhibition of endangered wildlife specimens, lectures, and rare and endangered plants-adoption program. Editor:Dylan