(CFP file photo)
The 2022 Changzhou West Taihu Lake Half Marathon will be held on November 5 with a half marathon of 21.0975 km as well as 10 km and 5 km races.
The number of runners will be limited to 8,000 for the half marathon and 6,000 each for 10 km and 5 km options.
The registration deadline is midnight on October 10 via the official website
. Participating runners will be selected by drawing lots if the number of applicants exceeds the limit.
The registration fee for the half marathon is 150 yuan per runner, and 120 yuan and 100 yuan for the 10km and 5 km distances respectively.
The Changzhou West Taihu Lake Half Marathon started in 2014 and is recognized as a Silver Label Road Race by World Athletics.