Jiangsu's sister-province Namur holds Spring Festival celebration
2023-01-30 15:51:00

The Chinese Embassy in Belgium, together with overseas Chinese community organizations, held the Spring Festival celebration in Namur, capital of the Walloon Region of Belgium on January 28.

Chinese Ambassador to Belgium Cao Zhongming joined governor of Namur Province and mayor of Namur City to attend the celebration organized in the style of a Chinese temple fair in the Lunar New Year while Xu Ying, vice governor of Jiangsu, delivered a speech by video link.

In reviewing the achievements of exchange and cooperation since the two provinces entered into sister-province relationship in 2000, Xu said the celebration brings to life Jiangsu's unique folk culture and also represents an invitation for closer partnership after China entered a new phase of COVID response.

At the beginning of the lion dance performance, Cao and other guests jointly dotted the eyes of the lion, as a symbol of life-giving. More than 1,000 overseas Chinese and local residents participated in the event that highlighted Jiangsu's cultural legacy and water charm in several thematic zones.

(Photos provided by the Chinese Embassy in Belgium and the Department of Culture and Tourism of Jiangsu Province)

In the warm and joyful festive atmosphere, many tried out Chinese calligraphy, painting and crafts, and children were guided to make paper-cut works, create traditional lanterns, and paint Peking Opera masks. TCM physicians explained ancient ideas to stay fit and healthy, and various Chinese snacks, desserts and milk teas were provided to enjoy the festival.

There were also exhibitions of porcelain ware and rabbit-themed design works, a show of tea ceremony, stalls with interactive programs, folk dance, and Tai Chi performance.

In particular, the treasure hunt game with a lucky draw was also entertaining with loads of laughter.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan