Nanjing Audit University overseas students receive Xi's letter
2023-07-06 13:31:00

(Photo/Jiang Wenchao)

In a reply letter to overseas students pursuing master's degree in auditing at Nanjing Audit University on July 4, Chinese President Xi Jinping has encouraged them to contribute to promoting friendship and cooperation among countries.

The 37 overseas students in the program felt excited to receive the reply letter, saying they will cherish their experiences in China and promote the friendship between China and their home countries.

In the letter to President Xi, the overseas students shared how they had improved their professional knowledge and deepened their understanding of China's auditing system, socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Communist Party of China through classroom study and field visits.

Overseas student Makidoyi Hakim expressed his constant fascination with Chinese culture during his two-year stay in China. "The university has organized various activities to help us gain a better understanding of China. The Chinese audit system is advanced and efficient. I hope to apply the knowledge to my work and promote friendly exchanges with China after returning home," he said.

Xie Yi, student tutor at the university's School of International Exchange, said she began to work at the university in 2017 and had witnessed great educational cooperation between China and foreign countries. "The graduates have made progress in their career development, and some have even joined delegations from their own countries' audit authorities to visit China, becoming promoters of bilateral exchange," she added.

In explaining why students wrote to President Xi, Zhang Wenxiu, vice dean of the School of International Exchange, said the international students had a 3-day study tour in Lankao County, Henan Province at the end of April this year, with the aim of understanding the progress of poverty alleviation and environment protection. In May, President Xi presided over the first meeting of the Central Auditing Commission under the 20th CPC Central Committee. He stressed the importance to better play the unique role of audit work in promoting the Party's self-reform and facilitate the high-quality development of audit work in a new era. The overseas students then decided to write a letter to President Xi.

Zhang also stated the international auditing master program had seven cohorts by the end of June this year and trained over 280 professionals for auditing agencies of more than 70 countries, including 213 students who have graduated and returned to their home countries. Editor:Dylan