High-level development of Jiangsu Pilot Free Trade Zone highlighted
2024-08-28 14:43:00

A view of China (Jiangsu) Pilot Free Trade Zone Suzhou Area (CFP)

The leading group for the development of the China (Jiangsu) Pilot Free Trade Zone (JSFTZ) convened a meeting on August 27. Xin Changxing, secretary of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee chaired the meeting and delivered a speech. Governor Xu Kunlin outlined specific tasks.

The work meeting reviewed reports on the reform and development of the JSFTZ, which consists of Nanjing, Suzhou and Lianyungang areas. Documents including the second list of tasks to align with advanced international economic and trade rules, as well as the fifth batch of pilot reform practices, were reviewed at the meeting, before screening of the documentary commemorating the JSFTZ’s fifth anniversary.

Since its establishment, the JSFTZ has focused on building itself into a leading zone for open economy and a demonstration zone for the innovation-led growth of the real economy and industrial upgrading.

The meeting emphasized the importance of seizing opportunities of China’s further deepening reform and better planning of regional opening up. Considering the actual industrial development and needs of companies, Jiangsu will ramp up efforts to actively align with advanced international standards. 

In improving its business environment, the province will incorporate the assessment system of the World Bank, optimize market access for new business models, and improve communication with foreign enterprises and professionals. Efforts will also be made to continuously increase Jiangsu’s competitiveness in technology innovation, industry, and talent.

The province will also highlight pioneering initiatives by enhancing coordination among the three areas, concentrating on the entire industry chain and government services throughout the development stages, to speed up the role of JSFTZ as a "test field" for further deepening reform comprehensively.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan