Thailand-Jiangsu biomedical exchange held in Nanjing
2023-07-14 14:27:00

(Photo/Gao Xin)

The Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and the Jiangsu Sub-council of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) co-hosted a biomedical exchange between the province and Thailand in Nanjing on July 11 and 12.

More than 20 representatives from 14 enterprises in Nanjing, Wuxi, Suzhou, Taizhou and other cities in the province participated in the exchange.

Jiangsu and Thailand have great potential for biomedical cooperation. Jiangsu hosts competitive biomedical enterprises, including those established by multinational giants, and also enjoys strong advantages in R&D, industrialization, and international exchange. Thailand, as a leader in Southeast Asia's healthcare system, boasts a mature pharmaceutical market, promising development prospects, and strong policy support for biomedical R&D, manufacturing and investment.

During the meeting, the Royal Thai Consulate General in Shanghai and the Thailand Board of Investment introduced the current development, investment opportunities and policies of biomedical industry in the country.

Additionally, the law firm King & Wood Mallesons offered suggestions for participating companies and explained legal issues pertaining to biomedical enterprises in their global expansion efforts.

On the morning of July 12, the Thai guests and enterprise representatives also visited Frontier Biotechnologies Inc and Nanjing Vazyme Biotech Co Ltd. Editor:Dylan