Jiangsu expo showcases future of elderly support
2023-09-22 13:47:00

The 2023 Jiangsu International Senior Care Services Expo is taking place in Nanjing from September 21 to 23, showcasing cutting-edge products and diverse care solutions for older adults.

One exhibition hall is dedicated to the province’s multifaceted efforts aimed at improving the quality of life for seniors, such as the elderly-friendly solutions across four main areas: the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and rehabilitation facilities.

Among the innovative products on display is an AI-powered monitor that can automatically analyze body data when a senior falls, and instantly sends an alarm to both the local care center and family members. Additionally, sensors for doors, smoke and gas also contribute to a safe living environment.

An automated bathing device has attracted a lot of attention at the expo. It enables the seniors to shower safely while minimizing the need for human assistance in repositioning the body.

(Photo/Lang Congliu)

Jiangsu has prioritized the support to its elderly care network through multiple measures. In 2023, the provincial government allocated 940 million yuan, and local governments at all levels collectively spent more than 3 billion yuan for the endeavor. Jiangsu has 16,000 family-based elderly care beds, and its 2,200 elderly care institutions can offer a total of 400,000 beds.

In addition, the province is also piloting community-based care for older adults and has opened 412 service centers, 18,000 service sites, and over 7,000 meal venues. The"15-minute circle of elderly care services" has basically established in Jiangsu.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan