Jiangsu launches awareness campaign on aquatic wildlife protection
2022-11-22 15:20:00

Jiangsu Province and its capital city of Nanjing kicked off the month-long awareness campaign to protect aquatic wildlife in the city on November 21.

The launch ceremony was preceded by the release of more than 80,000 fry of fish species under priority protection into the Yangtze River, including the province's first time of releasing artificially-bred Coreius guichenoti.

(Photo/Ding Weiwen)

The province also announced the 2021 report on its aquatic resources and environment in fisheries waters at the launch ceremony. Representatives of volunteers read out an initiative that calls for an all-out effort for aquatic wildlife protection.

According to a scientific survey of Yangtze finless porpoises, the river's Jiangsu section features finding of the endangered species in more areas including Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Taizhou, Suzhou and Nantong, growing number of pods, such as the mother-calf pairs in waters near Nanjing's Qianzhou, Zhenjiang, Yangzhong's Leigongdao and Yangzhou's Sanjiangying, and finally the expanding habitats due to enhanced water environment.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan