Shamrock Cup English Speech Contest finishes preliminary round
2022-11-11 12:04:00

The fourth Shamrock Cup English Speech Contest for High School Students has recently concluded the preliminary round.

The contest was jointly organized by the Foreign Affairs Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, Cork County Council and Consulate General of Ireland in Shanghai.

Students from Nanjing's 22 schools participated in the contest. Skits, metaverse or time-travel were featured in the contest to highlight the history, culture, natural landscape and social customs of Cork County.

(Photo from Nanjing Foreign Affairs Office)

This year marks the 5th anniversary of the sister-ship relations between Jiangsu and County Cork. The two sides launched the contest during an exchange in July, and the final for the top 10 schools in the preliminary round will be held in Nanjing later this month. The winners will have the chance to take a one-week study trip in County Cork. Editor:Dylan