Jiangsu’s civil affairs authorities unveil measures to improve livelihoods
2022-02-11 15:30:00

Jiangsu will provide elderly-oriented renovations of 30,000 households in 2022, covert and expand 120 children’s care homes, and offer home appliances to 20,000 vulnerable families, according to a work conference of the civil affairs in the province on February 10.  

The province identified 3.24 million people in need in 2021 including 252,700 people in the two vulnerable groups - who are at the edge of poverty even though their annual per capital income is above the minimum living standard as well as families that have difficulties in expenditure. 

Jiangsu also increased the minimum living allowance to 803 yuan per month, a year-on-year growth of 4.2%. People of the most vulnerable group in urban and rural areas received the monthly minimum living allowance of 1,678 yuan and 1,126 yuan respectively.  

In 2021, the province offered 228,200 temporary assistances to those in need. The average monthly living allowance to orphans in centralized care model and in adoptative family was 2,623 yuan and 1,980 yuan respectively. Data also showed 50,800 seriously ill and disabled children received basic living allowances. 

In 2022, Jiangsu will go all out to implement a flexible approach in offering help to those living in various difficulties, and determine the standards of care at different levels. The province’s civil affairs authorities will introduce methods to identify the most vulnerable, expand the temporary assistance program to cover the resident population, and formulate policies to help low-incomers. 

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Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Cassie