Nanjing hosts China-Japan College Esports Friendship Tournament
2022-09-27 13:13:00

(Photo provided to Xinhua Daily)

Nanjing hosted the 2022 China-Japan College Esports Friendship Tournament along with an online exchange on September 25.

Initiated by the Jiangsu Provincial Sports Federation and Japan Esports Association, the event took place both in Nanjing and Osaka. Experts and scholars made keynote speeches on the current development and future trends of esports as well as gaming industries in the two countries.

56 students from 17 universities, including Southeast University, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing Forestry University, Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Waseda University, Nagoya University, Kagoshima University and the Jikei Group of Colleges participated in the competition.

Students from Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing Forestry University and Waseda University won the top three places in playing League of Legends. Players from Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences and Meisei University won the first and second places in FIFA Online 4. Editor:Dylan