Jiangsu's railway trips in summer travel rush up 139%
2023-07-25 13:32:00

This year's summer travel rush runs from July 1 to August 1. By July 23, Jiangsu had already recorded 20.2 million railway trips during this period, representing a 139% increase compared to the same period last year.

It took only 23 days to reach the milestone of 20 million trips, compared to 46 days in last year and 30 days in 2019.

(CFP Photo)

Industry insiders cited three reasons for this robust travel growth.

First, the travel demand has been gradually released, a trend that has continued from the beginning of the year until now.

Second, the railway sector has provided more targeted services to meet passenger needs. For example, there are more train trips heading to coastal cities.

Third, the rapid development of the railway network in the province's central and northern areas in recent years has addressed the previous imbalance in regional railway services, leading to significant growth of tourists from the two areas.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan