Suzhou introduces 10 measures to boost business environment
2024-03-25 13:37:00

(CFP Photo)

Suzhou has recently implemented ten measures to improve its business environment, aiming to establish a more business-friendly policy system.

These measures include promoting the one-stop cross-agency services for items that used to require multiple visits to different departments, constructing a service network to support enterprises, upgrading financial services, facilitating enterprise-talent interactions, and streamlining tax and fee reduction policies.

In recent years, Suzhou's business environment has been leading at national levels. Suzhou plans to introduce a "white list" covering administrative law enforcement, environment protection, emergency response and fire safety. Additionally, the city aims to further leverage digital technologies and optimize service provision mechanisms.

Suzhou is committed to improving mechanisms for enterprise participation in government policy-making, with the aim of developing into a city known for innovation and prosperity. The introduction of these ten measures is regarded as a direct response to the needs of enterprises. Editor:Dylan