Jiangsu supports innovation in Internet connected vehicle industry
2020-06-28 15:10:00

The Jiangsu ICV Industry Innovation and Development Conference, held in Suzhou City in mid-June, attracted more than 300 representatives from research institutes and the Internet connected vehicle industry.

The province has listed ICV as one of 13 key sectors to be developed into industrial clusters. To help realize this goal, the province released a work plan to boost integration between ICV industry and talents during the conference.

The program includes attracting more than 10 international top ICV talent team in three years. By 2025, Jiangsu will develop at least ten leading ICV enterprises with a market size of 10 billion yuan and form 2-3 industrial clusters that is domestically competitive both in quality and quantity.

The conference also saw the establishment of the Jiangsu ICV Standard Committee to promote cooperation, exchange and integrated development in the field across the province.

Jiangsu is already home to a full-fledged ICV industry chain with about 300 companies in many fields. For example, Suzhou now has three ICV pilot zones and will accelerate the innovation of 5G-powered cars, intelligent logistics and unmanned sanitation in order to blaze a trail of innovative development model.

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Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Amanda