Conference in Yixing announces consensus statement on ageing civilization
2023-10-17 11:51:00

The first International Conference on Ageing-responsive Civilization concluded in Yixing City of Jiangsu Province on October 15 with the announcement of a consensus statement.

The consensus clearly defines three key elements related to ageing civilization: to view population aging from a “civilized”perspective, to conduct strategic planning and practical establishment of an ageing society in a “civilized” manner, to make population aging “be” and also “become” an important manifestation of the human civilization progress.

At the closing ceremony, another five speakers shared insights on "Proactive Responses to Population Ageing and Progress of Civilization ", "Health, Medical Care and Dignity of the Elderly: Review of the Findings from a China-Canada Research", " The Study on Japanese Concerns about Becoming a Burden in Ageing, Hospice and Dying", “Bringing People-centered Healthcare to the Elderly and the Society", and "A 40-Year Review of China's Elderly Care".

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