The first International Conference on Ageing-responsive Civilization was held in Yaohu Town of Jiangsu's Yixing City on October 14.
More than 300 experts and scholars, both domestic and internationally, discussed the concepts, theories, strategies and public policies related to population ageing.
Co-hosted by the Ageing-responsive Civilization Think Tank and Jiangsu Moral Development Think Tank, the conference featured two forums and six parallel meetings.
At the opening ceremony, five Chinese and foreign guests made keynote speeches on topics including "The Impact of Population Ageing in China and Response", "The Evolution of a Caring Culture", "The Longevity Society," "Social Policy and Work in Japan's Super-Aging Society," and "Retirement System and Population Ageing".
The six parallel meetings covered "Population Ageing and Civilization", "Well-being of the Elderly and National Strategies", "Quality of Life and Elderly Care", "Age-friendly and Civilization", “The Ageing Industry and Intelligent Elderly Care", and "Elderly Learners and Social Participation".
Jiangsu in the new era also faces fast growth of aging population. Data shows in the 7th overall national population census that the number of senior people over 60 has mounted to 18.5 million in Jiangsu. The Ageing-responsive Civilization Think Tank, also known as Jiangsu Society for Ageing Development, is an academic, non-profit organization established by relevant units, experts and scholars passionate about elderly care development. This key think tank in Jiangsu aims to pool resources from the academia, government and other sectors to better combine theory and practice and jointly address the challenges of population ageing.
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