Nanjing memorial hall recruits volunteers
2023-07-28 14:38:00

The Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders is currently recruiting volunteers for a one-year service.

New volunteers will primarily provide guide services, and support publicity campaigns and cultural performances at the facility. Applicants need to undergo an interview, receive trainings and pass evaluations before officially becoming volunteers.

The memorial hall's current volunteers, easily identifiable for their purple vests, consist of local residents, young people who completed overseas education, and foreigners working or studying in the city. They make a valuable contribution to the venue, especially during school holidays, and play an active role in preserving history and spreading the message of peace.

People are welcome to apply as volunteers, regardless of their occupation or nationality. Volunteers also have opportunities to participate in the expert lectures, seminars, exchanges and other training activities held at the memorial hall.

(Photo credit: The Yangtse Evening Post)

Li Guorong: Passing on historical memories

The memorial hall has received 1.57 million visitors this year. In response, veteran volunteers will undertake more tasks. For example, Li Guorong, 67, has been a volunteer at the venue since 2019 and has served about 100,000 visitors.

When teaching new volunteers, Li often goes to great lengths to explain the text and the details of history. "Young people can make rapid progress through training for one or two months. They become no longer nervous, can explain fluently and accurately, and also excel in their expressions and tone of voice," Li said.

In the summer school holidays, she noticed that many parents from all over the country have lad their children to visit the site, including small kids. "I hope to further improve my presentation skills and get a better connection with young visitors," Li added.

Fu Yunsheng: Spreading the voice of peace

Fu Yunsheng, a retired teacher, became a volunteer at the memorial hall in 2019. He pays close attentions to young visitors and often takes the initiative to guide parents who come to the site with their children.

Fu made an incredible recitation of passages from The Diaries of John Rabe during the national memorial ceremony for the Nanjing Massacre victims. In his view, a voluntary service can help enrich people's life.

In Nanjing, more and more people like Li and Fu have joined the volunteer team. Among them are descendants of Nanjing Massacre survivors, students, teachers, doctors, elderly people in their seventies and teenagers as young as 10 years old.

"This history should not be forgotten, and we have the mission to spread it," said Fu. Editor:Dylan