Suzhou regulates capturing and using of personal images
2023-03-01 11:19:00

Suzhou's data regulation came into force on March 1, making it the first city in China to introduce a local law on the management of public data, enterprise data, and personal information.

The law defines the three types of data and also includes provisions on the innovative use of enterprise and personal data, as well as their value realization. Suzhou encourages research institutions, industry associations, enterprises, and other organizations to integrate industry and enterprise data and develop data products and services in compliance with the law.

The regulation also supports the government in authorizing the operation and processing of public data to units that meet the security supervision requirements, with data products and services for third-party use. However, the regulation prohibits transactions in three scenarios, namely when it endangers national security, public interests, infringes on personal privacy and trade secrets, or contains data without the authorized consent of the right holder, and in other situations where transactions are banned by law or regulation.

Furthermore, the regulation stipulates that Suzhou encourages enterprises to strengthen data security measures, and individuals have the right to request the deletion of personal information.

It also regulates the installation of equipment to capture images or verify an individual in public places, stating that the installation should comply with relevant state regulations and make a clear indication. The collected personal images and identification information shall only be used for maintaining public safety, and not for other purposes, except with the individual's separate consent. The collected image or identification information shall not be used as the only access authentication means.

In addition, data processors shall not use data analysis to implement unreasonable differential treatment. The information pushing and marketing to individuals through automated decision-making should provide options that do not target their personal characteristics, or provide individuals with an easy way to reject the pushing. Editor:Dylan