Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress concludes session in Nanjing
2023-01-20 16:58:00

(Photo/Wu Sheng)

The 14th Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress, the province's top legislature, concluded its first session in Nanjing on January 19.

Xin Changxing was elected as chairman of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress, and Xu Kunlin was elected as governor of the province.

The meeting voted to adopt the government work report, the report on the 2023 plan for the province's economic and social development, and the report on the execution of budget for 2023.

The meeting also adopted the resolutions on the work reports of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress, the higher people's court and the people's procuratorate as well as a regulation on medical security system.

Source:jschina.com.cn Editor:Dylan